Seriously Medicinal Soup

2018-11-19T23:03:26-05:00December 31st, 2015|Articles, Featured Story|

I got sick this holiday- Sore throat, running nose, and a cough. Terrible! I hate being sick! I have two kids and a practice to run. I cannot be sick! But, yesterday I made a soup with the intention to get well. I put everything I could think of (that I had on hand) to help my immune system and get me feeling well again.  My family had it for dinner (my son has a cold also, husband is healthy but the soup is good prevention! And my daughter is thankfully healthy due to acquired antibodies through nursing!). I woke this morning feeling 80% better and after having another bowl for lunch I no longer had a runny nose or sore throat. Needless to say, I’m loving this soup!

Seriously Medicinal Soup Recipe:



  • 1.5 heads of garlic (yes! You read that correctly! You are basically making a strong garlic broth!)
  • 2Tbsp butter
  • 6 cups of chicken broth
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 carrots, chopped
  • 6 mushrooms, chopped
  • 3 breasts of chicken, chopped into bite-size pieces
  • 2 Tbsp Turmeric
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 5 scallions, diced


1.) Peel and crush all garlic cloves.

2.) Saute garlic in a soup pot with 2 Tbsp butter for 2 minutes, then add 6 cups of chicken broth. Bring to a boil and reduce to low heat. Cook for 30 minutes.

3.) Crack one egg at a time into the simmering broth and use a whisk to mix eggs into broth.

4.) Add carrots. Cook for 10 minutes on low.

5.) Add mushrooms, chicken, and spices. Cook for an additional 10 minutes until chicken is cooked.

6.) Serve with chopped scallions on top.

Enjoy! And Feel well soon!